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пятница, 28 декабря 2012 г.

Steroids were found at dormitory room of Garrett Reid

Garrett Reid, a son of the coach Andy Reid, died at his dormitory room. Although Omar Elkhamra, the team physician of the Philadelphia Eagles, put efforts to revive him, the efforts of the doctor turned out to be in vain. The county coroner concluded that this young person (29 years old) died of a heroin overdose.
The death of Garrett Reid was a real tragedy for the family of the coach. Moreover, the case caused certain problems for the Philadelphia Eagles. The football players had to clear themselves from suspicions connected with intake of steroids. Some anabolic steroids were found by local police officers in the dormitory of Garret Reid. Furthermore, syringes and needles were found in his possession too. The steroids were identified by police. It was disclosed that Garrett Reid had Nandrolone Phenylpropionate, Boldenone Undecylenate, Testosterone Propionate and Trenbolone Acetate. Since these medicines were found at Garrett Reid’s dormitory room, certain suspicions appeared. It was noticed that the coach’s son probably provided these prohibited medications to members of the Philadelphia Eagles. Thus, the death of Garrett Reid turned out to be a trouble for the total sport organization.
Some of anabolic steroids revealed at Garrett Reid’ room are fast-acting. These drugs are usually liked by athletes that submit to drug testing. Since they are excreted from the body in short period of time after application, it is more difficult to catch those that have used these medicines. Thus, it is suspected that such drugs must have been applied by players of the Philadelphia Eagles.
Despites suspicions, nothing was proved. It was not reported yet whether steroids were found in the body of Garrett Reid.
The NFL spokesman assured that he would report when it will be clear whether anabolic steroids found in Garrett Reid’s dormitory room were linked to Philadelphia Eagles.

Less than 1% of college athletes test positive for steroids

A few college athletes are caught taking prohibited preparations. Does it mean that they don’t use doping products? Less than 1% of college football players have been caught violating anti-doping rules. They have tested positive for steroids and/or other performance-enhancing drugs. Such situation must convince anti-doping agencies that they win in the fight against doping. But certain suspicions appear. It is believed that a lot of college football players administer steroids and/or other related products but they avoid detection successfully.
Why do such suspicions arise? Changes in physique of college football players cause controversial points of view. So, changes in body mass of over 61,000 college football players were lately analyzed by the Associated Press. Results manifested that numerous college football players enhanced their body weight in short period of time evidentially. Over 20 pounds were gotten by more than 4,500 college football players during a year. Furthermore, near 100 individuals enhanced the body mass by over 80 pounds during a year. As you see, the gains were evident.
Some experts assure that these aspects should not trouble anti-doping officers. They affirm that anti-doping officers shouldn’t subject college football players to drug tests only because they have increased body weight essentially.
But other specialists have another point of view. However they agree that it is impossible to assure that several football players have administered steroids and/or other related medicines, basing only on changes in body weight, they note that the changes may be a factor that leads to suspicions linked with usage of steroids. So, such individuals that have enhanced body weight in short period of time should be subjected to steroid testing.
Several college athletes that enhanced body weight evidentially in short period of time were asked about their changes. The sportspersons affirmed that they had never administered any forbidden medications. They affirmed that they achieved such amazing changes naturally. The college athletes noticed that they had consumed much food for this purpose. So, they claimed that such significant results were reached by them because of proper nutrition. According to them, it was not difficult to gain many pounds in short period of time.

вторник, 25 декабря 2012 г.

Remedies used for prevention of hair loss while using steroids

Steroids are widely administered in medicine and in bodybuilding and sports. Numerous individuals apply these preparations for improvement of their health. These products are prescribed for treatment of several diseases. Moreover, numerous athletes and bodybuilders administer steroids in order to enhance muscle mass, gain strength, regenerate exercise-damaged muscles, etc. But certain persons are not ready to assume certain risks linked with these medicines. It is known that anabolic steroids may cause several adverse effects. One of unwanted consequences of these preparations is hair loss. Thus, certain individuals try to avoid application of steroids because they don’t desire to experience this side consequence. Moreover, several individuals are predisposed to this problem genetically. If they administer certain steroids, they may get baldness.
Luckily, some unwanted effects of steroids may be prevented or at least reduced and cured. As for hair loss, there are some remedies which can help to prevent this problem. There are also such medicines that are capable to promote re-growth of hair. Those that have to use anabolic steroids may use certain remedies to prevent hair loss or cause re-growth of hair. Which products are useful for this need?
Since hair loss occurs because of high levels of dihydrotestosterone, certain persons administer Propecia which blocks dihydrotestosterone and prevents hair loss. But this is not the best product for prevention of hair loss while using steroids. Blocking of dihydrotestosterone by this medicine may cause sexual problems.
Rogaine, Retin-A and Lattisse are useful. The FDA has approved Rogaine for treatment of hair loss. Rogaine may be taken together with Retin-A or Latisse. Rogaine and Latisse are capable to prevent hair loss which may occur because of anabolic steroids. As for Latisse, it is approved by the FDA for eyelash growth. But it is not approved by the FDA to be used in case of hair loss. Nonetheless, it is affirmed by several experts that this preparation may be taken for re-growth of hair successfully.

May correct usage of steroids lead to kidney failure?

Anabolic steroids are frequently blamed for different health problems of consumers. Of course, these preparations may cause several undesirable effects. Nonetheless, steroids are often blamed without any reason. It is affirmed frequently by the media that these products lead to different diseases, crimes, deaths. But it is necessary to understand nature of these preparations to see when these products should not be blamed.
Let analyze two situations. One of the cases is connected with the former American bodybuilder Flex Wheeler. Another case is connected with another former bodybuilder Luke Wood.
The former American bodybuilder Flex Wheeler experienced kidney failure. This man submitted to a kidney transplant. Since he applied anabolic steroids, the media decided to demonize these products for kidney failure of Flex Wheeler. In fact, Flex Wheeler had a hereditary kidney disease. Undoubtedly, administration of anabolic steroids contributed to the complications. But did Flex Wheeler administer anabolic steroids properly? Did he follow reasonable instructions connected with dosages and length of usage? No, he didn’t. Flex Wheeler administered too high measures of steroids. Moreover, he administered these preparations prolonged period of time. In addition to these conditions, the former American bodybuilder administered also other medicines which had negative influence on his kidneys. Thus, anabolic steroids should not be blamed for Flex Wheeler’s disease.
As it has been already mentioned, another situation is related to the former bodybuilder Luke Wood. His death followed after a kidney transplant, being a young person. The media also decided to demonize anabolic steroids in this case. It was reported that anabolic steroids caused kidney disorders in Luke Wood. But you should be informed that the bodybuilder took not only steroids. He administered also insulin, pain drugs, DNP and other products that influenced on the kidneys negatively. Thus, it is impossible to assure that anabolic steroids were responsible for his kidney failure and death.
According to many experts, if steroids are taken appropriately, serious kidney disorders don’t occur.

понедельник, 24 декабря 2012 г.

Mark McGwire understands that he doesn’t have any chance to be in Hall of Fame

Mark McGwire, an American baseball player and coach acknowledged that he had applied steroids and HGH.
There are many opinions that are related to the baseball player’s admission. According to numerous individuals, Mark McGwire admitted to using forbidden substances because he desired to return to professional baseball.
Being interviewed, the American baseball player and coach stated lately that it was a mistake to apply anabolic steroids. But the baseball player and coach noted that he had taken steroids not for enhancement of performance. The American professional baseball player and coach said that he had used steroids and HGH only for clinical needs.
It is interesting to notice that when Mark McGwire admitted to administering banned medications, his fans and other persons were not surprised at all. Why were not they surprised? They were aware of it. Some individuals revealed that Mark McGwire took steroids before he made the admission. A FBI informant claimed that the American baseball player had purchased Testosterone Cypionate, Testosterone Enanthate, Equipose and Winstrol from the steroid dealer Curtis Wenzlaff and administered these preparations.
Another individual that reported about intake of steroids by Mark McGwire was the “godfather of steroids” Jose Canseco. He affirmed that he injected Mark McGwire with anabolic steroids. But the “godfather” of steroids in baseball was not the first individual who helped Mark McGwire to administer anabolic steroids. Jay, Mark’s brother, was the first individual that injected the American baseball player with steroids.
However Mark McGwire acknowledged that he had applied anabolic steroids, he said nothing about statements pronounced by his brother, Jose Canseco and the FBI informant. He didn’t disclose whether these statements were true or not.
Mark McGwire says that he realizes that he will never enter the Baseball Hall of Fame. Moreover, the admitted steroid user claims that he will never fight to be there. Mark McGwire expresses respect to all rules related to baseball. He understands that those that have ever taken forbidden products must not enter the Hall of Fame.

Fungal meningitis outbreak resulted from contaminated steroids

Over 500 persons were contaminated with fungal meningitis after they had administered Methylprednisolone injections produced by the New England Compounding Center (NECC). More than 30 persons died from this illness. Nobody must have doubted that the contamination turned out to be a great tragedy for several persons and their families. Nonetheless, anti-doping organizations decided to benefit from the situation. What did they do? They began to blame anabolic steroids. It was noted by the media that anabolic steroids could lead to the life-threatening condition fungal meningitis.
Recently the Bay County Sheriff’s Office conducted an investigation related to illicit manufacture of anabolic steroids. It learnt that anabolic steroids were manufactured by certain underground lab in unsterile conditions. The Bay County Sheriff’s Office stated that they conducted the investigation in order to prevent contamination with fungal meningitis in future. According to the Bay County Sheriff’s Office, if one applies anabolic steroids manufactured in unsterile conditions, he/she has a risk to be contaminated with fungal meningitis.
In fact, the Bay County Sheriff’s Office manifested own ignorance linked with anabolic steroids and risks connected with contamination with fungal meningitis. A person may get fungal meningitis, if he/she takes drugs which are injected directly into the central nervous system. Methylprednisolone Acetate injections are administered into the central nervous system. That’s why these contaminated corticosteroids caused the fungal meningitis outbreak. When it comes to anabolic steroids, they are not injected into the central nervous system. They are chiefly applied into muscles. That’s why it is impossible to face fungal meningitis while taking anabolic steroids. If you apply anabolic steroids which are manufactured in unsterile conditions, you may get certain side effects. But you will never get contaminated with fungal meningitis while using anabolic steroids for medical or even for athletic purposes.  
Thus, the fungal meningitis outbreak resulted from application of contaminated Methylprednisolone Acetate injections was just a condition to blame anabolic steroids.  Note, please: Methylprednisolone Acetate is not an anabolic steroid. It is a corticosteroid.

вторник, 18 декабря 2012 г.

Tammy Thomas wants to live so, as God whishes

The former American female cyclist Tammy Thomas administered the designer steroid THG. As a result, she was suspended from professional sports for the whole life.
Tammy Thomas desired to take part in the 2004 Olympics. That’s why the cyclist decided to take steroids to promote her performance and make her dreams linked with the Olympics real. But since she was caught taking forbidden medicines, she was not permitted to take part in the Olympic Games.
The American cyclist was accused of lying to the Grand Jury. She was targeted during the BALCO investigation. It was defined that Tammy Thomas didn’t say truth about application of steroids and getting of THG. While she was charged with lying to the Grand Jury, she presented certain arguments in order to defend herself against the accusations.
The American cyclist affirmed that she hadn’t taken any banned medication. In fact, she said truth. At that time THG was not written on the list of banned drugs. It was considered to be just an unapproved new preparation. THG was developed by the chemist Patrick Arnold.
While the BALCO foundation sold THG to many sportspersons, it was affirmed that Tammy Thomas obtained this product from Patrick Arnold. But the female cyclist denied this affirmation. Finally, she said that Patrick Arnold’s former girlfriend supplied her with THG.
All arguments of Tammy Thomas were rejected. She was sentenced to a home detection of 6 months and probation of 5 years.
The former cyclist repented totally. She admitted that she acted wrongly. So, she decided to change her life. Being a religious person, Tammy Thomas believes that God has a plan linked with her life. She claimed that she would do everything in order to act so, as God whishes. She founded a fitness center and decided to help others to maintain their health.

Mariusz Wach probably used tainted dietary supplements

It was reported by the German newspaper Bild that the polish boxer Mariusz Wach failed drug testing. This person tested positive for anabolic steroids. The drug testing was conducted before the fight between this sportsman and the Ukrainian boxer Vladimir Klichko.
According to A-sample of Mariusz Wach, he applied steroids. Results of his B-sample are not known yet.
It is necessary to note that the German newspaper Bild announced about the steroid positive of the polish boxer before it was done by the German Boxing Federation. Mariusz Kolodziej, the promoter of the boxer Wach thinks that it manifests that the German Boxing Federation doesn’t do its job appropriately. It lacks professionalism entirely.
What did Mariusz Wach affirm in order to defend himself? In fact, Mariusz Wach didn’t try to defend himself. The athlete only claimed that he had never applied any steroids or other banned drugs intentionally. The sportsperson even said that he didn’t know what he actually administered. He cared just about trainings and suitable diets. As for supplements, they were chosen and provided by his trainers. The polish boxer trusted his trainers entirely. He didn’t even ask which supplements were administered by him. He decided to put the total responsibility related to dietary supplements on his trainers and he was not interested in the nature of products that were given by his trainers.
Mariusz Wach didn’t desire to accuse his trainers of his steroid positive. He only disclosed the reality.
Thus, it is possible to suppose that Mariusz Wach has applied a tainted supplement. You know, it happens often that athletes apply nutrition supplements that turn out to contain steroidal compounds. Thus, problems begin.
If Mariusz Wach’s B-sample shows that he has administered banned medicines, he will be probably banned for one year. He will also have to pay a fine.

понедельник, 17 декабря 2012 г.

Application of steroids since 18 years old

You probably have read numerous articles about risks related to administration of steroids by 18-year old boys. It is often warned that those that are under 21 years old must not use anabolic steroids for athletic needs. Intake of steroids by 18-year old boys is considered to be too dangerous for their health. But you should know that there are also opposite points of view. Certain experts note that 18-year old guys may take steroids without any fear to experience grave negative effects. Adolescents are encouraged by such statements. They believe that if they use anabolic steroids since the age of 18, they are likely to get obvious success in professional sports. Is it true? However it is allowed for boys since the age of 18 years old to take steroids, it is better for them to avoid applying these medications. Why? There are several reasons that are written below:

1. Adolescents don’t become professional sportspersons with the help of steroids.
Adolescents know that many professional athletes apply steroids. Adolescents see that these persons have success. So, they suggest that athletes achieve great success with the help of steroid use. But this is a wrong conception. Steroids are not mysterious medicines that can make any individual a professional athlete.

2. Adolescents don’t have sufficient knowledge about anabolic steroids.
Since teenagers don’t have knowledge about anabolic steroids, they administer these medicines improperly. As a result, they don’t get wanted effects; on the contrary, they may face grave undesirable consequences.

3. Adolescents don’t accompany usage of anabolic steroids by appropriate workouts and diets.
Adolescents neglect to have appropriate trainings and nutrition during application of anabolic steroids. They should understand that it is very important to have appropriate trainings and diets which are needed for their athletic purposes.

Truth and Reconciliation Commission will investigate doping cases in cycling

The USADA desires to learn whether you have ever applied anabolic steroids, EPO, HGH and/or other prohibited medications. This fact may surprise you but the anti-doping organization doesn’t plan yet to stop the investigation connected with Lance Armstrong’s doping case. So, the investigation goes on. The USADA plans to investigate all cyclists. Especially suspected steroid users will be investigated.
The USADA desires to utilize the best ways in order to catch those that have ever taken banned substances. What is the best way to clean cycling of steroid use? The USADA puts efforts in order to set and apply the best methods. This anti-doping organization is even ready to compare eradication of steroid use in cycling with that in South Africa.
The USADA affirms that those that apply steroids and other related medications should be punished. Consumers of anabolic steroids and/or other performance-enhancing drugs are blamed as if they were criminals. They are often compared with those that commit violence and other serious crimes. Steroids are harshly demonized in the society. Thus, the USADA thinks that if anabolic steroids and steroid users are demonized, it will be easier to eradicate doping.
In fact, the USADA asks the International Cycling Association to institute a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. The commission will investigate various cases connected with doping. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission will try to determine why certain cyclists have administered anabolic steroids and/or other performance-enhancing drugs but remained undetectable.
Moreover, the USADA promises that “amnesty” will be provided to those that admit to administering steroids and/or other forbidden medications, ask for forgiveness, repent and tell everything connected with doping to the anti-doping agency, team physicians, teammates, friends, etc. If a former steroid user says just truth, he will get the full amnesty. Thus, the USADA hopes to clean cycling totally.
Travis Tygart, the CEO of the USADA, affirms that there are certain cyclists connected with Lance Armstrong that have remained undetectable. They should be identified by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

среда, 12 декабря 2012 г.

NFL players use Adderall

The National Football League is not allowed to make public details, when players violate anti-doping rules. It is just claimed that certain persons have been busted using forbidden medications. But the League must not reveal which substances have been applied by these sportspersons. Thus, several football players cheat about products that have led to positives.
Why do several football players choose to cheat about medicines which have been applied by them? Let try to understand.
Many football players that fail drug tests affirm that they have taken Adderall. In fact, they have taken anabolic steroids. Why do they affirm that they have tested positive for Adderall? What does Adderall represent? This is a medication which is used for treatment of attention-deficit disorder. But this medicine is applied not just for this clinical need. Sportspersons and bodybuilders apply this drug for performance-enhancing effects.
As for steroids, they are widely demonized. Many journalists, specialists, anti-doping officials and ordinary individuals claim that these medicines are too dangerous. They may lead to different grave side effects. Anabolic steroids are blamed even for several crimes. But as for Adderall, this product is not demonized in the society. So, many football players try to avoid criticism. They don’t want to be blamed for administration of such banned medicines, as anabolic steroids. Since consumers of Adderall are not criticized harshly, football players affirm that they have failed drug tests because they have applied Adderall.
A football player compared this situation with following cases: those that are caught with cocaine tell others that they have applied marijuana because cocaine is more harshly demonized than the last one.
You should not believe that each football player that says that he has tested positive for Adderall has actually taken steroids. But it is possible to conclude that those that administer Adderall are less blamed than those who apply steroids.

Freddie Roach: strength and conditioning coaches should be demonized for doping in boxing

Freddie Roach is a famous American trainer in boxing. He coaches the prominent boxer Manny Pacquiao. The trainer affirms that he knows the best method to eradicate the problem of doping in boxing. According to this coach, strength and conditioning coaches should be demonized for administration of steroids and other related drugs in this sport. He states that they teach boxers to apply performance-enhancing drugs. So, the trainer Freddie Roach considers that it is needed to get rid of every strength and conditioning coach. It will lead to eliminating of steroid use from boxing.
What does the trainer Freddie Roach believe about dramatic changes that have occurred in physique and performance of the boxer Juan Manuel Marquez. In fact, there are various opinions about this athlete and essential changes in him. Numerous individuals believe that he has applied steroids which have caused these changes in him. When it comes to Freddie Roach, he believes that Angel Guillermo Memo Heredia has provided anabolic steroids to Juan Manuel Marquez.
Memo Heredia is an admitted distributor of steroids. He acknowledged that he had supplied many top athletes with anabolic steroids. Since he collaborated with feds and revealed names of certain sportspersons that used anabolic steroids, he was not charged with any crimes linked with distribution of anabolic steroids.
Thus, Freddie Roach claims that strength and conditioning coaches like Memo Heredia should be pushed from boxing. It is the best way to eradicate administration of anabolic steroids and other related products from boxing.
It is interesting to mention that Manny Pacquiao, Freddie Roach’s client, has a strength coach too. Does it mean that this celebrated boxer applies steroids and/or other related remedies? Freddie Roach affirms that the strength coach Alex Arizo doesn’t supply Manny Pacquiao with steroids.
Alex Arizo and Memo Heredia are friends. Thus, Alex Arizo puts efforts to defend his friend, affirming that Freddie Roach’s accusations are not true. In fact, Freddie Roach says that he doesn’t like to pronounce any accusations connected with usage of anabolic steroids and other related preparations. But he has to do it because this is the nature of boxing.
While Alex Arizo affirms that Memo Heredia doesn’t provide steroids to Marquez, Freddie Roach has own point of view. He continues to believe that Marquez is tainted. According to Freddie Roach, dramatic physical transformations of this athlete display that he administers steroids and/or other doping products.

воскресенье, 9 декабря 2012 г.

Are Moustafa Ismail’s arms natural or not?

The Egyptian bodybuilder Moustafa Ismail has the largest biceps in the world. His name was recorded in the Guinness book of the world records. This person says that his large arms are natural. Moustafa Ismail affirms that he has the largest biceps in the world because he has too strict nutrition and trainings. The Egyptian bodybuilder eats chickens, almonds and fish each day. The bodybuilder also consumes much water and protein shakes.
However it is obvious that nutrition and trainings play great role, numerous individuals doubt about natural arms of Moustafa Ismail. It is hard to believe that suitable trainings and diets can lead to such increase in arms. Which conditions are responsible for the large arms of the Egyptian bodybuilder?
When it was announced that Moustafa Ismail’s arms were 32 inches, accusations connected with application of steroids appeared soon. Some people suggest that steroids are responsible for the large arms of this guy. What did Moustafa Ismail affirm about application administration of steroids? He said that he had administered anabolic steroids while living in Egypt. Purchase and application of these medicines are legal under laws of this country. These medications are available at any drug store in Egypt. Furthermore, steroids are cheap there. But Moustafa Ismail said that he had to discontinue taking these medications, when he moved to the USA. It is know that purchase and usage of these medicines without a prescription are considered to be illegal under laws of the US. These medicines are bought on the black market by those that administer them in the US illegally. So, Moustafa Ismail stopped administering these medicines after he moved to the USA.
But if even Moustafa Ismail takes anabolic steroids, it doesn’t matter because these medications don’t enhance arms. They are not responsible for Moustafa Ismail’s massive arms.
There are other remedies that can enhance arms. They are named “site enhancement oils” (SEO). Synthol is one of the most often administered SEO. This preparation is administered by bodybuilders. It is taken in order to enhance muscles in circumference. So, it is supposed that the Egyptian bodybuilder administers Synthol. However, Moustafa Ismail says that he doesn’t use this product.
The bodybuilder notes that he is hurt by accusations linked with steroids and Synthol. He has submitted to examination conducted by an independent doctor that hasn’t found  any abnormality in the arms of this guy. So, it is not clear whether the bodybuilder’s arms are natural or not.

Doping was organized in cycling before Lance Armstrong’s arrival

Although you probably don’t know anything about Scott Mercier, his statements linked with doping in professional cyclist spread very quickly. This man belonged to the US Postal Cycling team prior to Lance Armstrong’s arrival. Some statements of Scott Mercier revealed the truth which was hidden in cycling.
Actually, the US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) made incorrect conclusions connected with role of Lance Armstrong in doping. The 7-time Tour de France winner was accused and found guilty of administration of prohibited substances throughout his athletic career. While it may be true, the USADA stated that Lance Armstrong induced doping in professional cycling. But these statements turned out to be false. Why? Which words were pronounced by Scott Mercier?
Scott Mercier claimed that their team doctor Pedro Celaya had a specific program for the US Postal Cycling team. He discussed about the program with every rider. The doctor said that they had to ride 200-250 km per day. Moreover, the doctor organized doping program which had to accompany trainings. Thus, he supplied US Postal Cycling team’s athletes with steroids, EPO and certain other preparations.
These guidelines were offered by Pedro Celaya, when Lance Armstrong was not involved in professional cycling. This athlete suffered from testicular cancer that time. There was no any doubt that this person would not be able to be involved in professional cycling. His cancer spread on other parts of the body, including brain. After this man experienced chemotherapy he got recovery. Thus, Lance Armstrong didn’t have any link to the team. He didn’t promote taking steroids and other related preparations in professional cycling. It became obvious that doping was organized by Pedro Celaya before Lance Armstrong’s arrival.
During 1990s professional cyclists took Andriol. Then they administered testosterone patches. Under indications of Pedro Celaya riders used the method of overdosing in order to avoid detection by anti-doping officers.

среда, 5 декабря 2012 г.

Melky Cabrera’s reputation was not spoiled by steroid use

Usage of steroids and some other drugs is prohibited in numerous sports organizations, including the Major League Baseball (MLB). Athletes that are caught applying banned products are sentenced to suspensions, fines, etc. Although sportspeople know about these factors, many of them continue applying steroids and/or other forbidden drugs. As a result, certain sportspeople spoil their athletic reputation entirely. Nonetheless, certain athletes succeed, if even they violate anti-doping rules.
Let take the MLB player Melky Cabrera as an example. This athlete played baseball for San Francisco Giants. He was claimed to be one of the best baseball players. It was believed that he promoted winning obviously. But after he tested positive for a steroid, he was suspended.
Melky Cabrera attempted to modify the decision and appealed it. He affirmed that a dietary supplement was responsible for his positive. Certain individuals wanted to help him in that situation. Thus, a fake site was formed. An advertisement for a tainted supplement was posted. But the cheat was unmasked. Melky Cabrera had to serve the ban.
While he served the suspension, the San Francisco Giants realized that they could win without him.
Recently the Dominican baseball player obtained a $16 million contract. He will play for the Toronto Blue Jays.
 As you see, administration of steroids couldn’t destruct the athletic career of the Dominican baseball player. He continues to play baseball professionally and earn essential sums of money.
This is only an example that manifests that application of prohibited remedies doesn’t destruct athletic careers in certain situations.

пятница, 30 ноября 2012 г.

Los Angeles Dodgers asked Mark McGwire to coach them

Mark McGwire, an American professional baseball player and coach, escapes from his past connected with intake of steroids successfully. He gains his celebrity again. This person is actively implicated in professional baseball again.
However Mark McGwire recognizes that he doesn’t have any chance to be introduced into the Hall of Fame, he doesn’t become discouraged. He continues to like baseball.
St. Louis Cardinals were coached by Mark McGwire two seasons. Then this person intended to stop coaching this team because he desires to spend more time with his family. Fortunately, Mark McGwire will not leave professional baseball in order to have more time for his family. The Los Angeles Dodgers asked him to coach them. He agreed. Coaching this team will not disturb this man to spend sufficient time with his wife and children because he it takes for him only an hour in order to drive from his home to the Dodgers Stadium.
Mark McGwire spoiled his reputation because he had administered steroids. After the American baseball player and coach was found guilty of doping he didn’t want to say anything about these products. Although journalists asked him about intake of steroids by him and other baseball players, Mark McGwire refused to answer these questions. He said that affirmations about steroid use by other sportspeople could jeopardize his family and friends.  
Ultimately the American baseball player and coach admitted to applying banned preparations. He noticed that he made an immense mistake, applying these preparations. He realized that he didn’t act properly. He apologized for violation of anti-doping program. Then the American athlete and coach was allowed to return to professional baseball. So, he started to restore his reputation which was destroyed because of the mistake related to application of prohibited remedies.

Common mistakes made by GNC’s clerks that sell steroids

Sports nutrition stores sell not only real nutrition supplements. They market steroidal compounds as dietary supplements and sell them. But authorities put efforts to control and avoid sale of steroids as if they were just supplements. That’s why clerks of sports nutrition stores sell steroids illegally. Those who come to such stores are frequently informed that they may purchase steroids as well.
 But these conditions are known not only by steroid users but also by authorities. So, police officers conduct undercover investigations in order to bust sports nutrition stores that sell steroids. Clerks should understand that if a customer desires to obtain steroids, arranging a deal outside the shop, he must be an undercover agent. That’s why those who are involved in illicit actions linked with sale of steroids should be quite cautious to prevent legal problems. However they know about these factors, they make typical mistakes which result in arrests, charges and jail.
Let present a story about a clerk of the General Nutrition Centers (GNC) store located in East Walpole (Massachusetts). George Touma sold steroids along with dietary supplements. When police officers were informed about illegal actions of this man, they started an investigation. The investigation lasted circa a month and was led by The Walpole Police Department.
An undercover police officer came to the store frequently and bought dietary supplements. He was speaking with the clerk very often. Thus, a friendly relation was formed. Finally they discussed about anabolic steroids. The undercover police officer said that he would like to get steroids. Thus, he agreed to get 2 vials of steroids from George Touma. The agent had to give $300 for the medications. The deal was arranged outside the shop. After the purchase had taken place police officers detained the clerk.
As a result, the clerk of the GNC was charged with illicit possession and distribution of anabolic steroids.

вторник, 27 ноября 2012 г.

Top tennis players: more drug testing is required to take place in tennis

Great changes occurred in several types of sports after the USADA published its report on the prominent cyclist Lance Armstrong. The well-known American cyclist was using steroids and other doping products throughout the entire cycling career but he never tested positive for any banned medicine. He applied some efficacious methods to prevent detection. Nonetheless, finally he was found guilty of doping.
Lance Armstrong’s doping case has demonstrated that anti-doping policies failed. So, they should be changed. Otherwise, competitions will not be fair. We’ll never see real sports stars.
These factors influenced not only on cycling but also on other sports. Several sports organizations affirmed that anti-doping policies should be altered in order to catch those that administer anabolic steroids and/or other related medicines.
Not only anti-doping agencies but also athletes consider that anti-doping programs must be altered. Certain sportspersons want to assure that their sport is clean. For example, certain tennis players think that more drug testing should be conducted in tennis. It is interesting to note that such tennis stars, as Novak Djokovic, Roger Federer and Andy Murray, believe that anti-doping program is not quite effective in tennis. They affirm that more drug testing is required in order to assure that tennis is free of doping.
Novak Djokovic, a Serbian tennis player, affirmed that he would submit to more drug testing in order to promote cleaning tennis of dopers.
The Swiss tennis player Roger Federer also claimed that more tests for forbidden substances should be conducted in tennis. He mentioned that earlier he was subjected to more tests. Then the number of tests became lower in tennis.
As for the World №3 tennis player Andy Muray, he affirmed that more out-of-competition testing should be conducted. While tennis players are always tested during competitions, they are not tested often while being not in competitions.

Some Lance Armstrong’s teammates deny doping

The USADA has released a dossier on the well-known cyclist Lance Armstrong.
Which impression do readers get, when they read this report? It is said that many persons consider that every teammate of this prominent cyclist has administered anabolic steroids and/or other related substances. But is it true opinion? Has every Lance Armstrong’s teammate doped?
According to the report on this athlete, 11 teammates testified against him, affirming that he took performance-enhancing drugs. Furthermore, it was claimed that Lance Armstrong and the most mates of his team utilized sophisticated methods in order to be capable to dope and avoid detection.
However several Lance Armstrong’s teammates admitted to administering steroids and/or other related preparations, certain teammates denied doping. For example, Julian Dean and Patrick Jonker were two teammates of the well-known cyclist that denied applying performance-enhancing drugs.
Julian Dean said that he neither doped, nor saw Lance Armstrong taking anabolic steroids and/or other related products.
When it comes to Patrick Jonker, his statements were like those of Julian Dean. He said that he had never taken any prohibited substances. He stated that he competed cleanly and didn’t take any unfair advantage.
According to Patrick Jonker, application of steroids and other related medications is a serious problem in their sport. He believes that numerous cyclists dope. He confirms that it is important to fight against application of performance-enhancing drugs in cycling. But he affirms that appropriate methods should be applied by anti-doping officers. This athlete is full of anger, talking about prosecution against Lance Armstrong.  Patrick Jonker affirms that killers are less pursued than the famous cyclist.

пятница, 23 ноября 2012 г.

Tennis is not tainted by doping

Andy Murray, a Scottish tennis player, confirms that tennis is not tainted by usage of anabolic steroids and other related products. He notices that intake of performance-enhancing drugs doesn’t represent any problem in this sport. He claims that tennis is relatively clean. If you compare this sport to others, you can assure that it is free from doping, according to Andy Murray. But the tennis player understands that this sport is not entirely clean. He admits that certain tennis players apply prohibited drugs as well.
If you take cycling as an example, you may see that it is linked to allegations regarding doping by the well-known cyclist Lance Armstrong. Cycling commentators and journalists try to show that doping reigns in other sports too. Thus, they put efforts to direct attentions of people from cycling to others sports. They confirm that application of steroids and other doping products is a problem not just in cycling. Tennis turned out to be criticized by them quite often.
Andy Murray decided to respond to such critic words. He says that steroids and other related medicines don’t have any essential role in tennis. This person mentions about differences between tennis and cycling.
According to the tennis player, while steroids and other doping products benefit in cycling obviously, these remedies can’t produce any significant changes in tennis players. This person believes that while strength which is needed in cycling can be increased by doping, the skills that are needed in tennis can’t be perfected by steroids and other related products.
Actually, similar arguments are used in other sports too. Baseball and basketball players also confirm that steroids don’t represent any evident problem in their sports because these preparations don’t have capacity to increase performance in their sports.
But it is impossible to contest effects of steroids on performance of any sportsperson. Since these preparations are able to enhance strength, speed and endurance, they play significant role in tennis and other sports.

Alexander Lukashenko was upset, when Nadzeya Ostapchuk tested positive for steroid

Alexander Lukashenko, the Belarusian president, is also the president of the National Olympic Committee. He was very despondent after the Belarusian female shot-putter Nadzeya Ostapchuk tested positive for a prohibited drug. The president was very frustrated. Alexander Lukashenko turned out to be a serious fan of sports. He was ashamed that representatives of his country spoiled Belarusian’s sports reputation by positives for banned medicines. As a result, he noted that certain changes would be added to laws.
The president of Belarus affirmed that it was needed to criminalize usage of forbidden preparations in sports. So, sports will be probably clean. This statement was pronounced by Alexander Lukashenko after Nadzeya Ostapchuk was caught applying methenolone. This steroid is better known as Primobolan.
Alexander Lukashenko wants to see that his country succeeds in sports on the international scene. If the president of Belarusia wants to clean his country’s sports, he will be able to do it. Certain facts display that this president has achieved numerous goals related to his country.
In fact, Alexander Lukashenko is a hard president. He was even accused of rights’ violation. He is capable to change the situation in sports by force too.
The president of Belorussia doesn’t intend to talk about application of prohibited medications in sports. There are other aspects which should be discussed, according to Alexander Lukashenko.
Anatoliy Tozik, the Vice-President for Alexander Lukashenko, affirmed that they could establish a sports scientific center that would be sponsored by the state. The center would conduct scientific researches linked with mental and pharmacological support for elite athletes. Alexander Lukashenko agreed to establish this center.
It is unknown whether the president will clean sports at any cost. Will he abuse his force for this goal?

среда, 21 ноября 2012 г.

However ITF’s anti-doping program has some lacks, it is quite suitable

David Howman expresses his attitude to anti-doping systems in several sports organizations. While the director general of the WADA seems to be happy with jobs of certain sports organizations, he notes that anti-doping policies in other leagues/teams are not suitable.
For example, David Howman praises the International Tennis Federation (ITF) for its anti-doping program. David Howman affirms that anti-doping system is proper in tennis.
But when it comes to the National Basketball Association (NBA), it doesn’t want to adopt its anti-doping system to that of the WADA. It refuses to add several new drug tests in order to catch those that use steroids and/or other prohibited drugs. That’s why David Howman notes that the anti-doping system of the NBA is not good enough to detect those who dope. He confirms that the NBA should add more sophisticated new methods as well.
David Howman says that drug tests conducted in tennis have high quality. But there is a defect in tennis’ anti-doping policy. Numerous tests take place during competitions. But few tests take place out-of-competition. That’s why ITF’s anti-doping policy is also criticized.
Undoubtedly, no one can affirm that anti-doping system of ITF is perfect. It has certain lacks too. But it is quite adequate.
Thus, you should not believe that tennis is clean from doping totally. Several tennis players probably take steroids and/or related medicines. But it is not as tainted, as certain other sports.
 Just one tennis player was suspended for usage of banned medications. However it seems to prove that tennis is clean, it is important to take in consideration that there are several ways to avoid positives. As you probably know, the legendary cyclist Lance Armstrong used steroids and other related products and avoided detection much time. Couldn’t tennis players act the same way?

Doping costs for Lance Armstrong much

The USADA released a dossier related to doping by the well-known American cyclist Lance Armstrong. According to the report, this athlete applied steroids and other related products. After publishing certain sponsors that donated for Lance Armstrong’s foundation Livestrong decided to cut their links with this cyclist and his charity organization.
One of companies that decided to discontinue sponsoring the foundation which fights against cancer is Nike. This company was working much time with Lance Armstrong. Finally Nike announced that it would not have anything longer with the athlete that was cheating more than 10 years.
24 Hour Fitness also refused to work with Lance Armstrong anymore.
Several other companies also made the decision to discontinue sponsoring Lance Armstrong’s charity organization.
However, Lance Armstrong tried to do anything in order to prevent negative influence of his athletic reputation on the foundation that helps persons with cancer to survive. He claimed that he would not be the chairman of the organization anymore. However the sportsperson tried to keep sponsors, he couldn’t do it.
As for the USADA, it confirmed that Lance Armstrong was found guilty of doping. As a result, he received lifetime ban. Furthermore, he forfeited all 7 titles acquired at Tour de France.
But the International Cycling Union (ICU) confirmed that the USADA made a wrong decision. Although Lance Armstrong discontinued fighting against accusations pronounced by the USADA, the ICU affirmed that it would appeal the decision even without involvement of the sportsperson.
However Lance Armstrong never tested positive for any prohibited medication, it was concluded that he was guilty of doping. It was stated that he took steroids and other prohibited substances but he used some simple as well sophisticated methods in order to prevent positives. So, he was able to dope and remain undetectable.
Now the athlete pays for his doping. The decision of some companies to stop sponsoring his foundation is a great loss for this man.

воскресенье, 18 ноября 2012 г.

Doping in NBA

The WADA’s director general David Howman affirms that the National Basketball Association (NBA) anti-doping program is not sophisticated enough to detect those who apply banned medications. He affirms that drug testing conducted in the NBA is not suitable. While the NFL and the MLB agreed to accept additional tests, the NBA didn’t agree to do the same things.
The basketball player Derrick Rose also confirmed that numerous NBA players took steroids and other related medicines. This sport is tainted, according to Derrick Rose. It is believed that David Howman’s opinion connected with usage of steroids in the NBA is resulted from words said by Derrick Rose.
The NBA doesn’t want to adopt its anti-doping policy to that of the WADA. The NBA officers state that steroids and other related drugs don’t have capacity to influence on games and make them unfair. They confirm that just natural abilities and workouts play role in the NBA. According to NBA officers, steroids and other doping products are not capable to increase performance of basketball players. They notice that performance-enhancing drugs don’t benefit this sport.
Do NBA officers have a right point of view? Aren’t steroids and other related medicines able to enhance performance of those that play basketball? What does the reality demonstrate? What does scientific literature notice about effects of steroids and other related products?
In fact, everybody knows that steroids and certain other drugs benefit in any sport. They just should be administered correctly and accompanied by suitable meal and trainings. These preparations play significant role in sports. It is impossible to doubt about efficacy of steroids and other doping products in basketball. Affirmations of NBA officers are wrong.
Undoubtedly, any league wants to consider that their sport is clean. Nevertheless, it is important to see the reality. That’s why David Howman states that it is necessary to conduct more and more sophisticated steroid testing in order to catch those that take banned substances.

Philadelphia police officer was found guilty of illegal sale of steroids

Illegal sale of anabolic steroids is widespread. However law enforcement officers put efforts to prevent illegal production, sale, possession and administration of anabolic steroids, several policemen are also involved in such illicit operations. Furthermore, as it is determined, several police officers mastermind illicit deals related to anabolic steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs.
The former Philadelphia police officer Keith Gidelson was found guilty of illegal distribution of anabolic steroids and several other drugs, such as HGH, IGF-1, anti-estrogen medications, etc. The products which were offered for sale by this policeman were labeled as Sciroxx preparations.
Keith Gidelson turned out to be the leader of a steroid ring. So, he was not distributing anabolic steroids alone. He was collaborating with several other persons, including his wife and two other policemen.
Those who desired to buy anabolic steroids contacted the police officer via internet. So, clients ordered needed steroids or/and other related preparations. Then these products were shipped to the clients.
When orders arrived, Keith Gidelson informed his customers per handy. He called them or wrote messages. That’s why it was easy to bust this illegal drug ring. The Philadelphia police officer talked to his customers about anabolic steroids and other related medications quite openly. As for his co-workers, they discussed about anabolic steroids among them, using several terms.
Such steroids, as Testosterone Enanthate, Trenbolone Enanthate, Nandrolone Decanoate, etc. were sold by the police officer and his co-workers. These drugs were acquired from China and Europe. Then they were sold to those who ordered them per internet.  
The police officer will be sentenced in January 2013.

вторник, 13 ноября 2012 г.

Why are those that possess steroids caught?

Some bodybuilders are caught possessing anabolic steroids and other illegal preparations because they make several mistakes while possessing these products. For example, a bodybuilder plans to use doping products. He finds a safe online drug store and places an order for several drugs. Then he pays for the order. The preparations are sent. The bodybuilder goes to a post office and takes the package that contains the medicines which have been ordered by him. It seems to him that everything is successful. The package has not been intercepted. The products have not been seized. This man takes the products and goes home.
Of course, this person can’t wait until he arrives home to start his cycle with these products. He wants to be at home, administer the products and look in the mirror and see desired results. Thinking about potential benefits and improvement of appearance, this person begins to violate traffic rules. He exceeds speed because he desires to be at home sooner. Moreover, this bodybuilder has another problem. He has a suspended driver’s license. When policemen see that he has violated any traffic rule, they stop him. The police officers see that this man has a suspended driver’s license. They decide to search the car. Thus, the policemen find that this man possesses steroids and other illegal drugs. This bodybuilder gets legal problems. His dreams don’t become real. He gets problems instead of wanted effects.
 Let take Michael Vazquez of Kenmore (New York) as an example. This man had a suspended driver’s license while violating traffic rules and possessing steroids. Thus, he got legal problems. Since he violated several traffic rules, he was stopped by policemen that saw that he had a suspended driver’s license. When they searched this man’s vehicle, they found that this person possessed steroids, needles and syringes.
So, if you possess steroids and/or other related medications while driving your car, don’t make common mistakes! Don’t violate traffic rules! Don’t drive with a suspended driver’s license! Thus, you can avoid legitimate problems.

Indian law enforcement officers search drug stores regularly

Distribution and intake of steroids without a physician’s prescription are claimed to be illicit in India. But illegal distribution and administration of steroids and other related medicines prosper in this state. Numerous athletes obtain these products at drug stores and supplement stores and apply them for increase of muscles and performance.
When Indian National Team’s sportspersons tested positive for banned drugs at the 2012 London Olympics, attention of authorities was drawn to drug stores and supplement stores. Local police officers decided to search drug stores and supplement stores regularly in order to control illegal sale of anabolic steroids and other related drugs. After certain raids several drug stores and supplement stores lost their business licenses.
Lately law enforcement officers raided a pharmacy and two supplement stores located in the southern part of India.
The Parola Pharmacy located in Valancherry was raided by police officers. As it was determined, steroids and other related medications were sold at this pharmacy illegally. Nandrolone phenylpropionate was one of steroids which were named by law enforcement officers. Several other steroids were sold illegally too. So, this pharmacy was shut down.
The Health World supplement store located in Kottakkal was also lately searched. Law enforcement officers defined that Methandienone, Equipose, Testosterone Undecanoate and some other steroids were offered for sale at this supplement store. Thus, it was shut down too.
Another supplement store that was searched was the AM Nutrition store. But it was not pursued because no any steroids were found at the store.
Police officers plan to continue raids. Certain pharmacies and supplement stores will probably lose their licenses for illegal sale of steroids and other related preparations.

понедельник, 12 ноября 2012 г.

Wrong ideas of high school athletes about Tommy John surgery

High school athletes are ready to do a lot in order to enhance their muscles and improve performance. While several sportspersons try to enhance speed, baseball players put efforts in order to enhance throwing speed.
What do high school athletes really do for this purpose? You probably know that a lot of sportspersons use anabolic steroids in order to gain muscles and increase performance. But intake of steroids and other related medications is not the only way which seems to be effective for several athletic purposes. Some high school athletes desire to have the operation ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) reconstruction that is also called Tommy John surgery.
In fact, high school athletes don’t know about certain aspects connected with Tommy John surgery. They base their conceptions on the case connected with the baseball player Tommy John that got UCL damage during a baseball game. After the damage the baseball player was very unhappy. Tommy John thought that didn’t have any chance longer to play professional baseball. This man visited the surgeon Frank Jobe. The doctor operated this man successfully. After the surgery Tommy John came back to baseball. Tommy John’s further career was quite successful. He won numerous games. Thus, this surgery was named after this person: Tommy John surgery.
When high school athletes learn about Tommy John, they desire to become as excellent players, as he was. They suppose that the operation induced winning because the baseball player won more games after the surgery than before. Although high school athletes may suggest appropriately, they have certain misconceptions about this surgery. They believe that they may be operated in absence of any damage and increase their performance. But high school athletes don’t consider that no one can come back to playing baseball soon after such surgery. Certain period of time is required to get recovery. Moreover, it is important to take in consideration that certain risks linked with Tommy John surgery. They may get permanently stiff elbow. Several other risks are also linked with this operation.
Thus, high school athletes don’t understand the essence of this surgery properly. When they have elbow pains, they visit their doctors, trying to convince them they need to be subjected to Tommy John surgery.

Steroids and infertility in men

Maria Shriver didn’t get pregnant during the first three years of her marriage to the prominent American bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger. Her mother was troubled by the situation. Since the bodybuilder took steroids, she feared that these products could cause infertility in him. That’s why Arnold Schwarzenegger’s mother-in-law presented a scientific report about steroids to her daughter. The report enumerated potential unwanted effects of steroids, including infertility.
Arnold Schwarzenegger said that he found this report on the desk of his wife causally. Thus, he studied it. The bodybuilder laughed much. The bodybuilder claimed that his mother-in-law was out of control.
But Arnold Schwarzenegger’s mother-in-law troubled without any reason. Her daughter and Arnold Schwarzenegger became parents of four kids. Furthermore, Arnold Schwarzenegger got a child as a result of his extra-marital relations. So, it was obvious that steroids didn’t have any negative impact on reproductive system of this person.
Do steroids produce infertility in male consumers? These medicines suppress natural production of the hormone testosterone. That’s why men that take these drugs may have infertility. But it is necessary to note that this unwanted result is not irreversible. When men discontinue administering steroids, their natural production of testosterone is restored. So, this negative consequence disappears.  
The autobiography written by Arnold Schwarzenegger describes numerous interesting aspects connected with steroids. This bodybuilder administered steroids during his competitive career. Anabolic steroids helped him to succeed. Intake of these substances was not banned in professional bodybuilding, when Arnold Schwarzenegger competed.

вторник, 6 ноября 2012 г.

Steroids are dangerous for public health

Timothy Armstrong of the World Health Organization confirms that anabolic steroids are dangerous for public health. While these products are often taken by sportspeople, bodybuilders and ordinary individuals for enhancement of muscles and endurance, they may have negative impact on physical and mental health of users. Unluckily, dangers related to these medications are not taken seriously. However many scientists warn that these medications may produce severe adverse consequences, numerous people continue to apply them for athletic purposes.
Timothy Armstrong puts efforts to protect public health. He has presented a speech about administration of steroids at a conference organized by the chairman of the International Olympic Committee Arne Ljungqvist. Thus, Timothy Armstrong helps to eradicate illegal usage of steroids.
As for Arne Ljungqvist, he tries to fight against administration of steroids in sports. According to the chairman of the International Olympic Committee, application of steroids represents a moral problem. Those that take doping products don’t compete fairly. They have unfair advantage over those who don’t apply these drugs. Thus, they act inappropriately.
Of course, Arne Ljungqvist is happy that Timothy Armstrong is also against application of steroids. He affirms that anti-doping agencies should work with the World Health Organization more closely. The united efforts will be capable to eliminate usage of doping products from professional sports.
Timothy Armstrong states that anti-doping agencies should have direct relations with law enforcements and customs officers. If they collaborate, their war on illicit deals connected with steroids and other controlled substances will be more efficient. They should inform each other about individuals that have something to do with illegal medications. Thus, they can reach their goals.

Defense attorney: steroids are responsible for murder

Audrey Allen, an 18-month old baby, was murdered by Joshua Allen Kruzik.
The little girl was killed because she cried in the middle of the night. Joshua Allen Kruzik, an US marine, a friend of Audrey Allen’s parents, was invited to spend weekends at their friends’ home. Before he came to their place, he was at a local bar where he consumed much alcohol. He had to care about the little girl, when she cried. But Joshua Allen Kruzik beat the child very brutally. As a result, the baby got multiple severe head injuries. She died at a local hospital.
David Kohn, the defense attorney for Joshua Allen Kruzik, affirmed that steroids were responsible for the abnormal behavior of his client. It was stated that Joshua Allen Kruzik administered anabolic steroids. Before the incident he tried to discontinue using these medications but he was not able to do it. David Kohn said that anabolic steroids produced “roid rage” in Joshua Allen Kruzik. He couldn’t not control himself and beat the little child. According to David Kohn, Kruzik was unconscious. However David Kohn said that Kruzik was ready to assume the whole responsibility, he added that he was not guilty.
The baby’s parents also confirmed that their friend took anabolic steroids. The mother of the baby said that she possessed syringes at her home. So, she injected Kruzik with steroids, when he came. Some other individuals also confirmed that he took steroids.
It is strange that anabolic steroids are demonized in this situation. Are these medicines responsible for the crime? Take into account that Kruzen has been drunk, when he has beat the child!
It is unclear whether the judge will accept the steroid excuse.

воскресенье, 4 ноября 2012 г.

Ways to enhance muscles and add strength

Although natural bodybuilders put efforts to prove that they can be as muscular as steroid users, they fail to do it. Even those who have suitable nutrition and intensive trainings can’t obtain the same muscle mass and strength like consumers of steroids. Gains that can be obtained because of appropriate intake of steroids and other related remedies are much more essential than those which are obtained naturally.
But you should know that steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs can’t increase muscle mass and energy, if users don’t have intensive trainings and appropriate nutrition. However steroids can induce getting muscles and endurance, it is not sufficient just to apply these products. Consumers of steroids must not be lazy persons. Otherwise, they will fail to get wanted effects. If steroid users don’t train intensively during usage of performance-enhancing drugs, they may get additional problems instead of positive effects.
Those that are going to apply steroids in order to add muscles and enhance endurance should plan their workouts and diets. It is necessary to train hardly. However, it is necessary to take in consideration that muscles don’t grow, if they don’t have any rest. That’s why it is important to have well-planned workouts. Trainings and time of rest should be rotated properly.
Furthermore, it is needed to plan which kinds of exercises should be performed. Your heart should act appropriately, if you want to enhance your muscles with steroids. That’s why cardio exercises should be performed 3-4 hours weekly.
Another factor which should be taken in consideration is nutrition. Muscles can be increased, if sufficient protein is consumed. Steroids and other related preparations can’t enhance muscles and add endurance without usual physiological processes. Remember that steroids don’t act magically! They act through stimulation of natural processes which occur in the body.
If you want to increase your muscle mass and endurance with steroids, you should learn and follow some recommendations related to nutrition which are useful under such circumstances.

If Arnold Schwarzenegger hadn’t used steroids, other bodybuilders would have had unfair advantage over him

Arnold Schwarzenegger used anabolic steroids. These products helped him to have success. The famous bodybuilder admitted that he succeeded because of these medicines obviously. But he also mentioned that other competitive bodybuilders applied these products as well. The bodybuilder was aware of the fact that all elite athletes and bodybuilders used anabolic steroids. If Arnold Schwarzenegger had not applied doping products, other bodybuilders would have had unfair advantage over him.
However the prominent bodybuilder admitted to administration of steroids, he never apologized. Administration of these medicines was not forbidden, when Arnold Schwarzenegger competed. Intake of steroids and other related medicines didn’t represent any problem in bodybuilding during that time.
Arnold Schwarzenegger affirmed that he didn’t know about risks connected with administration of these products. But he also added that earlier bodybuilders didn’t administer enhanced doses like current bodybuilders.  That’s why it was not dangerous to administer these remedies.
Today it is necessary to take into account that sportspersons and bodybuilders apply very high measures that may have negative influence on health. Intake of increased quantities normally leads to serious permanent side consequences. That’s why Arnold Schwarzenegger is against usage of steroids for performance-enhancing effects. Measures which were administered by the celebrated bodybuilder were lower by 20 times than those taken by current bodybuilders. That’s why Arnold Schwarzenegger worked together with International Federation of Bodybuilders against usage of doping products in competitive bodybuilding.

четверг, 1 ноября 2012 г.

Increased doses of HGH may lead to severe health problems

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) has been originally introduced for clinical purposes. This medicine is prescribed for treatment of kids with growth disorders and grown-ups that experience deficiency of growth hormone and associated troubles. But this drug is widely abused. Many weightlifters and other athletes use this preparation for athletic needs. Under laws of several countries, including the USA, purchase and usage of this product for non-clinical purposes are claimed to be illicit.
Although this drug is illegal without any prescription, it is not a problem to get it. This medication is widely available at online pharmacies. Furthermore, steroid dealers sell this product. Since the price is not increased, numerous sportspersons have possibility to purchase it.
Those that use HGH illegally abuse also other products. They are not limited only by illicit application of this medicine. Which medications are also applied by consumers of HGH?
Some scientists decided to conduct a research linked with illegal application of HGH. They enrolled 230 weightlifters aged 18-40 into the research. The specialists could find out that the most of these weightlifters administered not only HGH but also anabolic-androgenic steroids and insulin-like growth factor-1. Moreover, many of them applied recreational drugs, such as cocaine, ecstasy, etc.
Which dangers are faced by those who apply high quantities of HGH prolonged period of time? Unfortunately, negative effects resulted from increased doses of this medicine are not studied sufficiently because physicians usually don’t recommend enhanced quantities.  Increased measures are commonly applied by those who apply this medicine for performance-enhancing effects. But it is known that application of enhanced quantities during prolonged period of time may result in serious unwanted consequences. This drug may affect various systems, including endocrine, respiratory, cardiovascular, etc. It is important to be very careful because increased measures of this medication are linked even with cancer.

Does dexamethasone taken during tonsillectomies increase risks linked with post-op bleeding?

More and more kids are subjected to tonsillectomies. The number of surgeries in kids younger than 15 years old has increased essentially.
After tonsillectomy or adenotonsillectomy children may experience vomiting and nausea. Thus, health care providers recommend applying corticosteroids during surgeries in order to lower these post-operation side results.
Unluckily, while corticosteroids lower risks/severity connected with nausea and vomiting, they are associated with certain other troubles. They may lead to bleeding during and after tonsillectomies. Some researches have showed that the number of complications after tonsillectomies has increased during some last years. Since number of tonsillectomies becomes higher, complications occur more frequently as well.
Certain specialists decided to define whether bleeding occurs after tonsillectomies on account of corticosteroids. They attempted to learn whether there is any obvious difference in appearing of bleeding between kids who take the corticosteroid dexamethasone during tonsillectomies and those who are not given this remedy. So, the specialists enrolled more than 300 children in the trial.
Results of the trial have demonstrated that bleeding of the levels I and II are enhanced by 5% in those that take a single dosage of dexamethasone during tonsillectomy.
So, corticosteroids don’t enhance the risk linked with post-operation bleeding obviously. Although physicians doubt about safety of corticosteroids administered during tonsillectomies, they don’t increase serious bleeding events essentially.

понедельник, 29 октября 2012 г.

Brain may be affected by steroid abuse

Leslie Henderson cares about teenagers. She is troubled because a lot of teenagers administer anabolic steroids that may be dangerous for them. These remedies may make adolescents aggressive. Furthermore, steroids may affect various systems of users. According to Leslie Henderson, the most dangerous aspect related to administration of these preparations by teenagers is following: these products influence on the brain negatively. They affect not only functions of the brain; they also change the way it acts.
Anabolic steroids have been introduced in order to treat certain diseases. These preparations can induce development of secondary male characteristics in boys with delayed puberty. They are capable to prevent muscle wasting in persons that have HIV/AIDS and other health problems. But these products are also widely abused. They are used for enhancement of muscle mass and endurance. When physicians recommend taking steroids to cure certain diseases, they indicate relatively reduced quantities that don’t produce grave unwanted effects. When these drugs are administered for performance-enhancing effects, dosages are enhanced. But it is necessary to know that enhanced doses may lead to dangerous undesirable results.
Non-therapeutic intake of steroids is very dangerous for adolescents. Their systems have not been yet developed. That’s why these products may cause irreversible changes in them. Steroids may destroy their physical as well psychological health of teenagers. As a result, side consequences of steroids are manifested in them not only during adolescence but also when they grow up. If adult persons abuse steroids, they usually don’t suffer from such long-term serious adverse reactions, as adolescents experience. That’s why Leslie Henderson and other specialists affirm that it is necessary to warn teenagers about negative influence of steroids on them. They should know about all probable risks. If adolescents know about grave negative effects of steroids, they will probably discontinue administering these preparations for improvement of appearance and performance.

Obesity may be treated at early stages of development

A recent study has showed that glucocorticosteroids promote developing fat storage. These natural steroids have direct influence on androgen receptors that reduce body fat levels.
This study is especially precious in our era, when a lot of persons experience obesity. According to affirmations of several scientists, it is required to decrease amount of glucocorticosteroids in order to avoid or cure obesity.
When scientists conducted this study, they had the following goal: they desired to comprehend ways, causes and stages of development of fat deposits. Basing upon results of the study, the specialists have affirmed that androgen receptors should be activated in order to reduce fat deposits. So, obesity could be treated even at the early stages of development.
The androgen testosterone binds itself to androgen receptors. Thus, androgen receptors become capable to control creation of muscle mass, increase defined muscles, etc.
According to the researchers, glucocorticosteroids lower activity of androgen receptors. So, they become ineffective to control creation of muscle mass and reduction of fat storage. That’s why especially abdominal parts become fatty.
The researchers confirm that this study can induce developing new methods to treat and prevent obesity. The new treatment strategies will be linked with glucocorticosteroids and androgen receptors.

вторник, 23 октября 2012 г.

British steroid law prohibits to buy steroids online

British citizens are not allowed to purchase steroids per internet. Importation of steroids into the UK is claimed to be criminal under a new amendment to the steroid law. Those who live in the UK and import steroids into the country are sanctioned by authorities. But Britons may freely purchase, possess and apply steroids.
According to the “personal custody”, those that arrived to London for the 2012 Olympic Games were allowed to import steroids for self-administration. It was not claimed to be illegal under British laws. Nevertheless, those that live inside the UK don’t have any right to purchase steroids at online pharmacies and import them from other countries to the UK.
Earlier British citizens were allowed to acquire steroids from outside the country. The amendment was provided by the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD) in order to protect health of those that administer steroids. But is the amendment able to do it?
A lot of underground labs produce anabolic steroids inside the UK. They prosper on account of the amendment. But it is necessary to take into account that a lot of underground labs produce steroids of low quality. So, British citizens have to buy steroids of low quality because it is prohibited to import steroids which are manufactured outside the country by safe pharmaceutical companies.
Authorities warned Needle-Syringe Program (NSP) workers that they would have to work more. It was claimed that the amendment would raise the number of steroid users.
Actually, the amendment is likely to have negative influence on health of steroid users. Steroid-using athletes and bodybuilders may get severe unwanted consequences because they switch from quality steroids manufactured by safe pharmaceutical companies to worse drugs manufactured by underground labs located in the UK.

While steroids don’t cause addiction, muscularity may be addictive

Federal prosecutors don’t possess sufficient knowledge about anabolic steroids, however they pursue those that manufacture, administer and/or distribute these preparations. They don’t study scientific literature about these products. The government uses information which is written in Wikipedia. However feds say about adverse reactions of steroids, they don’t know about these aspects sufficiently. Citing statements about steroids written in Wikipedia, they punish consumers/manufacturers/distributors of these drugs, confirming that these medications represent evil.
Several important questions appear here: Is it correct to base upon information provided in Wikipedia in such cases? Are these affirmations true? Aren’t they exposed to manipulations? Aren’t they mixed with personal opinions of contributors?
Maurice Hall, the associate professor of communication and culture at Villanova University, claims that it is not reasonable to base wholly upon affirmations presented in Wikipedia. He affirms that Wikipedia serves a good guide for footnotes. But statements presented in Wikipedia may be not true completely.
For example, when John Isaac Hudelson was sentenced to prison, federal prosecutors based their conclusions linked with illegal operations of this person upon affirmations cited from Wikipedia. Feds affirmed that Hudelson deserved to serve 47-54 months in prison because he used and distributed steroids. Stephen Greubel, the defense attorney for Hudelson, confirmed that 47-54 months in jail were too much for his client. He confirmed that Hudelson sold steroids, products that differed from such drugs, as amphetamine, methamphetamine, codeine, morphine, etc. Stephen Greubel confirmed that steroids didn’t cause addiction.
Feds affirmed that John Isaac Hudelson manufactured, used and distributed steroids to his friends. They confirmed that while steroids didn’t cause addiction, desire to be muscular could be addictive. Furthermore, they added that steroids could cause grave unwanted consequences. All statements of feds were based upon those provided in Wikipedia.
Ultimately, the government sent Isaac John Hudelson to 37 months in jail.

среда, 17 октября 2012 г.

Tyler Hamilton: it is easy to take EPO and avoid detection

Tyler Hamilton and Daniel Coyle have written a book related to intake of EPO and anabolic steroids. Guidelines described in the book can serve as a proof that the famous cyclist Lance Armstrong administered banned medicines. The book has been entitled following: “The Secret Race: Inside the Hidden World of the Tour de France: Doping, Cover-ups, and Winning at all Costs”. The book contains instructions connected with application of EPO and steroids in cycling and ways to avoid detection. It demonstrates that drug testing is inefficacious in this sport.
Tyler Hamilton affirms that sportspersons can apply steroids without being caught. The author confirms that the WADA doesn’t have any possibility to win. Hamilton describes weakness of the WADA in testing athletes for forbidden substances.
According to Tyler Hamilton, it is not difficult to avoid detection while taking EPO. It is necessary to apply the procedure “microdosing”. What does it actually represent? Sportspeople should not introduce 2,000 Units of EPO under the skin each 3-4 days. They should inject 400-500 Units of EPO each 3rd or 4th night intravenously. This method is called “microdosing”. Using this way of administration, cyclists can avoid detection without any trouble.
Since microdosing is a suitable method to avoid detection while using EPO, this method must be appropriate in case of steroid use as well. So, Tyler Hamilton suggests that cyclists and other sportspersons can avoid detection while taking anabolic steroids. He presents recommendations related to this issue in details in the book.  The author describes how it is possible to hit tests of anti-doping agencies.
Actually, it is unlikely that recommendations provided in Tyler’s book will modify essence of cycling. While introduction of the biological passport into anti-doping system can’t stop doping, introduction of microdosing into usage of EPO is not the new beginning of doping in cycling. Tips of Hamilton may alter just the nature of doping in this sport. Intake of doping products is a part of cycling. Let notice the truth. Like clean sport doesn’t exist at the high level.

Efficacy of different steroids

Steroids may be classified into 3 groups: corticosteroids, estrogens and progestogens, and anabolic-androgenic steroids.
Essence of corticosteroids is similar to that of hormones secreted in the adrenal cortex. Corticosteroids may be in form of creams, ointment, inhalation medicines, etc. They are prescribed to treat inflammations, allergy, illnesses of respiratory, nervous, musculoskeletal and other systems.
Estrogens and progestogens are female sex hormones. These hormones induce developing female secondary characteristics. Birth control remedies contain these substances.
Anabolic-androgenic steroids represent drugs which are also widely applied in medicine. They are capable to cure certain types of breast cancer, testicular cancer, anemia, etc. These medications are frequently prescribed to receive better and faster recovery after some surgeries. Burn victims, individuals with HIV/AIDS take anabolic-androgenic steroids in order to prevent muscle loss. Certain steroids are also indicated to treat osteoporosis. These drugs are also taken for treatment of infertility.
Moreover, anabolic-androgenic steroids are taken for athletic needs. These medications are able to create muscles and promote enhancing strength. That’s why a lot of sportspersons and bodybuilders take them for performance-enhancing effects. Several anabolic-androgenic steroids are capable also to promote burning fat, making muscles defined.
Usage of anabolic-androgenic steroids for non-medical purposes is forbidden under laws of several countries. Those who manufacture, distribute, buy and administer these medications illegally may be sentenced to jail and/or fines. These drugs belong to illicit preparations in several countries because they may cause various adverse effects. While several side results are slight and disappear after discontinuation of intake, others are sever and even irreversible. Those that desire to receive benefits, applying steroids for medical purposes, should apply these medicines under instructions of physicians.

вторник, 16 октября 2012 г.

Anna Watson doesn’t desire to use steroids

When it is noted about cheerleaders, we imagine active and thin females. But we should recognize that sometimes the reality differs from our imagination. Anna Watson is an example in this situation. She has great muscles. But she is very pretty.
Elite Model Management offered her a $75000 contract. But she refused to get it. In fact, it is surprisingly because numerous ladies want to obtain such contracts. But she didn’t want to get it because she had to take steroids for this purpose.
When Anna Watson entered Hawaii Pacific University, she started weight lifting. The lady trained hardly and consumed circa 3000 calorie daily. Finally she was able to lift 230 pounds. But her weight was not enough to get a modeling fitness contract. Although she ate much protein, she could not gain necessary pounds.
A modeling agent confirmed that Anavar could help her to increase weight. Anna Watson was required to add 50 pounds in order to get the contract. Thus, she began to take the steroid Anavar in order to increase body mass. She was eating “forever”, even if she didn’t feel hunger. Despites of her efforts, diet and application of Anavar, she could not get 50 pounds. The cheerleader added only 10 pounds.
The cheerleader Anna Watson is a religious person. She attends a local church. Finally, she made a decision to ask a weight lifting champion for advice. Hugh Kirby that is also a member of the church has advised her to stay far from administration of steroids. He affirmed that steroids could cause different adverse reactions. This man also reminded that steroids could cause infertility. Thus, Hugh Kirby claimed that it would be better to refuse the contract instead of getting health problems, especially infertility.
So, the cheerleader Anna Watson didn’t agree to obtain the contract. But she decided to continue her workouts. The cheerleader wants to become a personal trainer.
Actually, Anna Watson made a proper decision. It is reasonable to keep female characteristics without a modeling contract instead of getting the contract and suffering from effects of masculinization owing to administration of steroids.

Steroid dealers avoid imprisonment

Although it is illegal to sell anabolic steroids in some countries, some steroid dealers are not sanctioned appropriately. For example, lately two persons that sold steroids illegally avoided imprisonment. They were sentenced only to work several hours. However these individuals advertised and sold steroids per internet, they avoided prison successfully. These individuals sold preparations which could affect health of consumers. That’s why they had to be sanctioned more harshly.
Many users of steroids don’t know anything about risks related to them. They don’t know that administration of steroids may lead to certain health troubles. It is important to consider that certain steroids are aromatizable. It means that they may convert into estrogen, enhancing levels of this hormone. As a result, male users of such steroids may experience gynecomastia, abnormal fat distribution, water retention, etc. Of course, gynecomastia is very unpleasant effect for men. Sometimes it can’t be treated with preparations. So, it may require an operation.
Several steroids are dangerous for women. They may cause masculinizing effects in them. So, certain women that administer androgenic steroids have deep voice, excessive hair growth on the body, hair loss, menstrual irregularities, infertility, etc.
Many steroids may influence on liver negatively. They may lead to liver diseases. If anyone has had liver dysfunctions before administration of steroids, these medicines may lead to more serious complications.
Nevertheless, no one can doubt about positive effects that can be acquired owing to intake of steroids. These drugs promote creating new muscle tissues. They also increase existing muscles. Furthermore, these preparations help to gain energy. Certain steroids induce fat loss, making muscle more defined.
However probable benefits of steroids are great, it is important to consider potential side reactions. It is confirmed that steroids may lead to depression and uncontrolled aggressiveness. So, certain consumers of these drugs commit various crimes. While certain users may commit suicides, others violate, murder other individuals.
Steroids may lead also to other undesirable results that are not noted in the article. People should be aware of what they use. Those who sell these drugs illegally should be sentenced appropriately.

понедельник, 8 октября 2012 г.

Administration of steroids by football players

Many articles report about administration of steroids in baseball. Sportswriters and journalists describe steroid scandals which take place in this sport. It is widely discussed about steroid era in baseball. Professional baseball players are subjected to many drug tests. It seems that every individual interested in sports demonizes baseball players for intake of doping products. Do only baseball players take steroids and other related drugs? What do you think about football players? Don’t they dope? Why do we blame only baseball players for application of banned preparations?
Intake of doping products is widespread in football. Since 1960s application of performance-enhancing drugs plays a significant role in this sport. It is difficult to imagine football without intake of steroids and other related remedies.
Strength and size are substantial features in football. Certain people believe that football players have great strength just because of intensive trainings and appropriate diets. But it is wrong. Numerous football players administer banned substances in order to gain strength and enhance increasing muscle size.
As you notice, intake of forbidden preparations is widespread in football. Nonetheless, baseball players are more widely blamed for application of steroids and other related products. Such baseball players, as Jose Canseco, Roger Clemens and Barry Bonds were exposed to public shame on account of steroid use. But such football players, as Lyle Alzado, Shawne Merriman, Chris Cooper and Thomas Romanowski, also administered banned drugs. Nevertheless, they were not so widely criticized, as dopers in baseball.
Moreover, it is important to take in consideration that usage of steroids is more dangerous in football.
It is affirmed that football is unlikely to be cleaned from doping.

Dangers linked with teens’ addiction to steroids

Teenagers’ addiction to anabolic steroids becomes a great problem today. Why do teens administer these drugs? They do it in order to enhance their muscles, lower fat deposits and make muscles hard. They desire to make their bodies more attractive. Actually, teenagers use these substances because they want to look like models, sports stars and heroes. Since teens desire to be celebrated so, as well-known athletes are, they put efforts to improve their physique and performance with anabolic steroids.
But teenagers don’t consider some important aspects in this situation. Firstly, professional sportspersons and bodybuilders ask doctors for guidelines. So, physicians indicate how they should administer steroids. That’s why application of anabolic steroids by famous sportspeople is relatively safe. As for adolescents, they don’t know what they administer; they don’t know how steroids should be taken. Secondly, the process of development is not over in adolescents. That’s why steroids may be dangerous for them. Anabolic steroids may damage functions of reproductive, cardiovascular and other systems in adolescents.
Unluckily, numerous teens administer anabolic steroids. Several surveys of the Michigan University manifest that the number of steroid users in high schools continues to enhance.
Furthermore, it is not a problem to get these remedies. High schools students get steroids without significant efforts.
As a result, several adolescents become addicted to steroids. While some teenagers try to cease administering these preparations, they can’t do it. In fact, it is quite difficult to escape from this addiction. Addicted consumers of steroids can’t discontinue using these drugs without help of high-qualified specialists. They must stay in special centers of rehabilitation where well-trained experts help them to escape from the addiction.
It is necessary to educate teenagers about risks linked with anabolic steroids. Teens must know not only about positive effects of these drugs. They should be educated also about adverse reactions of these drugs. If schoolchildren and high school students are not taught about disadvantages of steroids, they will take these medicines. Finally, their systems will be destructed. If the society doesn’t care about teenagers, they will experience many health troubles.