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понедельник, 12 ноября 2012 г.

Steroids and infertility in men

Maria Shriver didn’t get pregnant during the first three years of her marriage to the prominent American bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger. Her mother was troubled by the situation. Since the bodybuilder took steroids, she feared that these products could cause infertility in him. That’s why Arnold Schwarzenegger’s mother-in-law presented a scientific report about steroids to her daughter. The report enumerated potential unwanted effects of steroids, including infertility.
Arnold Schwarzenegger said that he found this report on the desk of his wife causally. Thus, he studied it. The bodybuilder laughed much. The bodybuilder claimed that his mother-in-law was out of control.
But Arnold Schwarzenegger’s mother-in-law troubled without any reason. Her daughter and Arnold Schwarzenegger became parents of four kids. Furthermore, Arnold Schwarzenegger got a child as a result of his extra-marital relations. So, it was obvious that steroids didn’t have any negative impact on reproductive system of this person.
Do steroids produce infertility in male consumers? These medicines suppress natural production of the hormone testosterone. That’s why men that take these drugs may have infertility. But it is necessary to note that this unwanted result is not irreversible. When men discontinue administering steroids, their natural production of testosterone is restored. So, this negative consequence disappears.  
The autobiography written by Arnold Schwarzenegger describes numerous interesting aspects connected with steroids. This bodybuilder administered steroids during his competitive career. Anabolic steroids helped him to succeed. Intake of these substances was not banned in professional bodybuilding, when Arnold Schwarzenegger competed.

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