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воскресенье, 18 ноября 2012 г.

Doping in NBA

The WADA’s director general David Howman affirms that the National Basketball Association (NBA) anti-doping program is not sophisticated enough to detect those who apply banned medications. He affirms that drug testing conducted in the NBA is not suitable. While the NFL and the MLB agreed to accept additional tests, the NBA didn’t agree to do the same things.
The basketball player Derrick Rose also confirmed that numerous NBA players took steroids and other related medicines. This sport is tainted, according to Derrick Rose. It is believed that David Howman’s opinion connected with usage of steroids in the NBA is resulted from words said by Derrick Rose.
The NBA doesn’t want to adopt its anti-doping policy to that of the WADA. The NBA officers state that steroids and other related drugs don’t have capacity to influence on games and make them unfair. They confirm that just natural abilities and workouts play role in the NBA. According to NBA officers, steroids and other doping products are not capable to increase performance of basketball players. They notice that performance-enhancing drugs don’t benefit this sport.
Do NBA officers have a right point of view? Aren’t steroids and other related medicines able to enhance performance of those that play basketball? What does the reality demonstrate? What does scientific literature notice about effects of steroids and other related products?
In fact, everybody knows that steroids and certain other drugs benefit in any sport. They just should be administered correctly and accompanied by suitable meal and trainings. These preparations play significant role in sports. It is impossible to doubt about efficacy of steroids and other doping products in basketball. Affirmations of NBA officers are wrong.
Undoubtedly, any league wants to consider that their sport is clean. Nevertheless, it is important to see the reality. That’s why David Howman states that it is necessary to conduct more and more sophisticated steroid testing in order to catch those that take banned substances.

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