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вторник, 27 ноября 2012 г.

Some Lance Armstrong’s teammates deny doping

The USADA has released a dossier on the well-known cyclist Lance Armstrong.
Which impression do readers get, when they read this report? It is said that many persons consider that every teammate of this prominent cyclist has administered anabolic steroids and/or other related substances. But is it true opinion? Has every Lance Armstrong’s teammate doped?
According to the report on this athlete, 11 teammates testified against him, affirming that he took performance-enhancing drugs. Furthermore, it was claimed that Lance Armstrong and the most mates of his team utilized sophisticated methods in order to be capable to dope and avoid detection.
However several Lance Armstrong’s teammates admitted to administering steroids and/or other related preparations, certain teammates denied doping. For example, Julian Dean and Patrick Jonker were two teammates of the well-known cyclist that denied applying performance-enhancing drugs.
Julian Dean said that he neither doped, nor saw Lance Armstrong taking anabolic steroids and/or other related products.
When it comes to Patrick Jonker, his statements were like those of Julian Dean. He said that he had never taken any prohibited substances. He stated that he competed cleanly and didn’t take any unfair advantage.
According to Patrick Jonker, application of steroids and other related medications is a serious problem in their sport. He believes that numerous cyclists dope. He confirms that it is important to fight against application of performance-enhancing drugs in cycling. But he affirms that appropriate methods should be applied by anti-doping officers. This athlete is full of anger, talking about prosecution against Lance Armstrong.  Patrick Jonker affirms that killers are less pursued than the famous cyclist.

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