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суббота, 18 февраля 2012 г.

Attitude of Andrew Tilin to doping

Andrew Tilin, an amateur cyclist and a writer,  received a 2-year ban. United States Anti-Doping Agency banned this individual after he had admitted using steroids for legal hormone replacement therapy. The admitting was made by the the amateur cyclist in own book that will be soon probably released. The title is following: “The Doper Next Door: My Strange and Scandalous Year on Performance-Enhancing Drugs” .
The book presents personal experiences of certain persons who applied preparations which possess performance-enhancing effects.
Thus, Andrew Tilin used the steroid testosterone for hormone replacement therapy. It is quite clear.  In fact, it is not yet clear whether this writer has noticed about individual experience related also to other preparations that increase performance.
Andrew Tilin tries to comprehend and describe in his book why persons dope. He mentions the motivations of different individuals. Do these drugs help really? These medications are quite controversial; the explanations connected with these medicines are controversial as well. Since a lot of consumers don’t like saying about their administration, many answers on questions about doping remain unopened.
Andrew Tilin has been obviously changed due to usage of the steroid testosterone. He has become much stronger but more aggressive. He had to worry about his health and about the methods to cheat, being an amateur rider. So, Tilin became to be involved in the doping subculture.
Writing his book, this amateur cyclist desired to explain that steroids are unsafe and lead to many adverse symptoms.  Many athletes who have taken prohibited medications criticize Tilin. One of critics is Joe Papp, a former American cyclist. This person was caught selling and administrating certain performance-enhancing drugs. He didn’t admit administrating controlled products willingly; he was caught due to an investigation. His professional and personal life was destroyed because of these prohibited drugs. Joe Papp wrote about Tilin that he had been doped for a year intentionally. Papp noted that Andrew Tilin had known that the steroid testosterone was banned but he had administrated it. Then he wrote that these preparations had undesirable symptoms in users.  According to Joe Papp, Andrew Tilin had to receive a ban for 4 years.
Andrew Tilin’s ban began in March 2011.

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