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четверг, 21 марта 2013 г.

Should be steroids blamed for murder committed by Olympic athlete?

Oscar Pistorius admitted that he had murdered his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp. But the athlete stated that he had murdered her because he had mistaken her for  a burglar.
Police officers try to determine why the Olympic athlete actually shot Reeva Steenkamp. They discovered steroids at the athlete’s home.
Since anabolic steroids have been found in Oscar’s bedroom, it would be possibly argued that steroids caused uncontrolled violent behavior in the sportsman. Anabolic steroids would be demonized for the murder.
In fact, you should comprehend that it is quite hardly to state that steroids are responsible for aggression and violent behavior. Studies linked with this issue are quite limited. According to results of several studies, consumers of steroids are predisposed to aggression, paranoia, jealousy, etc. It is claimed that those who administer steroids are more likely to be involved in crimes than those who have nothing to do with these preparations. But it is important to consider that anabolic steroids may only contribute to aggression. Just these preparations alone can’t lead to aggression. They turn out to be only contributive factors. Other factors should be also present for appearing of aggression. Circumstances play essential role in such cases. Thus, it is even impossible to determine whether steroids cause aggression or several circumstances. Violent cases should be reviewed as a complex of steroid use and circumstances.
It is also claimed by scientists that increased testosterone levels are connected with aggression in some persons. Thus, it is important to note here that while certain persons with enhanced levels of testosterone suffer from aggression, others with enhanced levels of testosterone are not predisposed to uncontrolled violence. This condition differs from one person to another.
You can see that the link between steroid use and violence is a complicated issue. Scientists have not studied this condition well enough to engage it. Thus, if defense lawyers of the Olympic athlete desire to argue that steroids have made their client to kill his girlfriend, they should realize that they are going to use controversial statements.

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